
Showing posts from December, 2017


BUHARI HAS NOTHING TO OFFER NIGERIA ~ JONATHAN'S AIDE. 31/12/2017. Former President, Goodluck Jonathan, has reacted to the 17 achievements of President Muhammadu Buhari in 2017, listed by the Presidency, on Friday. jonathan whoa thru Reno Omokri, his erstwhile Aide on New Media, has disclosed that the achievements were due to embarrassment for the Buhari administration. In a post posted on his Facebook page, Omokri said, "The Buhari Government released a list of 17 of its greatest achievements a few hours ago, and after reading it, I was embarrassed for the regime. "The Buhari administration counts exiting a recession that puts Nigeria into, as its greatest accomplishment of 2017! This government is the definition of cluelessness! We exited recession by growing at 0.5%, meanwhile our population has grown by 2.6%. do the math and pray that 2019 is the end of this nightmare! "And going further, they stabilize the naira as one of their achievements! A Naira they met at


HON. BARRISTER ALPHONSUS OGAR EBA RECEIVES AWARD FOR LEADERSHIP IN PUBLIC SERVICE FROM YALA YOUTHS. 29/12/2017. hon.Barrister Alphonsus Ogar EBA the Director General for Process and Price Intelligence Bureau, Cross River State, has received the Award for the Leadership In Public Service Award from a concerned yala youths. he was recruited for his outstanding contributions to the stability of yala and service to the state in general. Receiving the award on behalf of the DG, Right Hon.Idagu said he was always in support of the DG in all his efforts aimed at maintaining political stability and selfless service. after apologizing for the DG's absence due to official engagement, he said while receiving the award, "I receive this award on behalf of the good people of Yala, who without which he will not receive this awardthey have been supported and are happy to receive this award on his behalf.the DG, who said he was interviewed with Editors of Voplink Media, said he will be motivat

Egbara was Tagged" an ICON of modern Political Activism in yala Cross River State.

Egbara was tagged "an ICON of modern Political Activism" 29/12/2017 The Community of Yala in Cross River State were in celebratory mood on the 29th of December 2017, not only because of the Christmas and New Year but because they chose to vote for one of their beloved citizens. egbara Emmanuel is a known and respected member of the community of Yala and what honors as a distinguished citizen due to his noble commitment to the community. Celebrating the celebration of an indigenous youth forum. at the Crutech campus in Okuku, yala,. The Councils of honor conferred the award on Egbara Emmanuel. The forum leader intimated that the award was in recognition of his real love, immense and invaluable contribution to the success of Yala and Cross river state in general. even though Egbara is a well-known and active supporter of the state ruling party, he never hesitates when it comes to assisting the community of Yala or other communities in cross-river at pressing societal issues. th

Delta Nigeria~Many Dead As Vessel Rams Into Boat At Delta state.

Delta Nigeria ~ Many Dead Dead As Vessel Rams Into Boat At Delta State.  29 Dec 2017Naira at Bennett River, Warri South West Local Government Area, Delta State. ,a source said the incident occurred at about 7.45p.m., pointing out that the impact of the crash split the boat into two. It was gathered that but for the timely intervention of villagers, who rushed to rescue the passengers, the casualties' figure would have been higher. Mrnorbiane Convention, a youth leader in Bennett, confirmed that five persons lost their lives. He said, "The ship has not flashed light and the boat driver did not see the ship before the fatal collision." National President of the Ijaw Peoples Development Initiative, IPDI, Mr. Austin Ozobo, who has said the incident, said: "We are disturbed by the loss of five lives in the incident and sympathize with the families of deceased persons. "We are aware that vessels are not permitted to sail at night in inland waterways."We call on

Ogun Nigeria~DPR gives free petrol in Ogun state.

Ogun Nigeria ~ DPR gives free petrol in Ogun State. December 29, 2017 The Department of Petroleum Resources, Abeokuta Field Office, on Thursday gave out petrol for free to motorists again in Abeokuta. The filling station, Daslap Petrol Station, Olomore, which is allegedly caught selling above the official pump price. The team, Mr Kasali Akinade, said the action was necessary. "We got a tip-off that station, Daslap, had fuel but they were selling at the pump price at N200 per liter. "On getting here, we had evidences to support the claim. "When we checked their fuel stock level, we've discovered they had 33,000 liters. in order to serve as a deterrent to others, we decided to give them their fuel for free. We said they should give fuel to 20 motorists and 30 bikes for free, "he said

Nigeria~yoruba youths to buy presidential form for Atiku.

Nigeria ~ Yoruba youths to buy presidential form for Atiku. 29/12/2017.Wahirin Adamawa on the political party platform he wishes to run on. ,the group, under the aegis of Youth in Support of Atiku 2019 (YISA), said it has the responsibility to come to the former vice president to come and serve his country because he has the solution to Nigeria's problems. The YISA National President, Comrade Gbeminiyi Ololade, said this in a communique issued at the end of its end of year meeting on December 21, 2017, in Ibadan, which featured award presentation, prize giving, free medical tests and engagement for the 2018 activities , ololade said the former vice president's investments in nigeria and contribution towards the country's development would be incomparable to any other leader's. "He believes in our country, Nigeria. That's why we're in full support of him for a better Nigeria, "he said. the communiqué, signed by YISA national president and national secr

Baru reveals when fuel scarcity will be over

Baru reveals when fuel scarcity willbe over Dec 29, 2017 5:18 The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has assured that the current scarcity will be over by the weekend. NNPC Group Managing Director, Dr Maikanti Baru, gave the assurance in a chat with newsmen in Abuja. the NNPC boss said the corporation was successful and was able to put the product in place. According to Baru, "I promise by weekend, most of the abrasions we've been noticing wants to disappear. you could see that we were winning the war. "The (fuel) queues have been significantly subsided in Abuja. In Lagos, they are almost nonexistent and, of course, we are pushing to the other cities as well as to the hinterlands. "

ISIS BOMB ISIS has claimed responsibility for a KABUL .

ISIS BOMB ISIS has a responsibility for a KABUL 28/12/2017 suicide bomb attack on a Shiites cultural center in Afghanistan's capital, Kabul, that left 41 people dead and dozens injured. 84 people were injured in the blast, according to a Health Ministry spokesman. The attack rocked the center in the basement of a building in the west of the city at around 10:30 a.m. (12.30 a.m ET) Thursday. It also hit the Afghan News Agency, which has spokesman Nasrat Rahimi said. Two more blasts followed at the same building, but no injuries. The ISIS-affiliated Amaq News Agency said the terrorist group carried out the attack. A crowd of just under 100 people were meeting at the Cultural Center to the Anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan when a bomber infiltrated the crowd and dethroned the device, according to journalist Ehsanullah Amiri, who was at the scene. ambulances and police vehicles. The hospitals in Amiri said they were stranded in the street. Authorities also warned onloo

Chinese mall erects dog statue that looks like Donald Trump.

Chinese mall erects dog statue that looks like Donald Trump. December 28, 2017 6:09 pm In honor of the Lunar New Year a shopping mall in northern China has planted an enormous statue of a dog that eerily resembles President Donald Trump. The statue, which is located at Fashion Walk Mall in Taiyuan, has been installed to celebrate the coming Year of the Dog. The huge canine figure has trump's, 71, signature golden hairstyle, prominently eyebrows and classic gesture. the figure has one finger extended in the air in the President's classic pose and the dog is wearing a red scarf, representative of Trump's power ties. Although the statue represents the coming of the dog in the Chinese zodiac, ironically Trump's Chinese astrological sign is the year of the dog, as he was born in 1946. However, in Chinese culture, the year of your own animal is not expected to be your best year. they regard it as bad luck if the zodiac animal of the current year is the same as the year you we

Prisonbreak:prison's Re-arrest Service 14 Out of 47.

Prisonbreak: Prison's Re-arrest Service 14 Out of 47 Akwa Ibom Prison Escapees DECEMBER 29, 2017. The Nigeria Prison Service, Akwa Ibom has said 14 out of 47 inmates who escaped from the prison have been arrested. in case you missed it, some inmates at the Ikot Ekpene Prisons had it on Wednesday after attacking kitchen staff on duty. now, the Controller of Prisons in the State, Alex Oditah in a statement on Thursday said a three-man committee had inaugurated the immediate and remote cause of the incident. Oditah said; "Some inmates escaped from Ikot Ekpene prison on Dec.7, at about 12.45 p.m .; To ascertain the total number of those who have escaped we have to do headcount. "We had discovered 47 inmates had escaped from the custody. Immediately, search party swung into action and 14 were recaptured, " the controller of prisons disclosed that the 400 capacity Ikot epene prisons currently houses 831 inmates. The capacity for Ikot Ekpene Prisons is 400 but as of D

BOKO haram kills six in Borno market.

Boko haram kills six in Borno market.  December 28, 2017. A suicide blast in Maiduguri. Photo: AFP A suicide bomber blew himself up in Boko Haram jihadist group. the bomber, who passed away as a grain merchant, staged the attack at Amarwa village, about 20 kilometers from Maiduguri, the birthplace of Boko Haram and the capital of Borno. Boko Haram attacks on Christmas Day at Maiduguri. 13 other people were seriously injured, "said Babagana Kolo, leader of a military force in the fight against Boko Haram AFP. "The injured have been to the general hospital here in Maiduguri while the dead have been buried in the village," he said. another militia Ibrahim Liman said the bomber was going to make a deal on a black plastic bag around 11:30 am (1030 GMT) and asked the shopkeeper if he would buy any grain. "The bomber then walked to a group of people chatting nearby and detonating the explosive concealed in the bag," he said. Amarwa has suffered several displeasures.


AYADE SPEAK ON BIKER'S SHOW 28/12/2017. the young people, you want to be boring to them."So we need to create an atmosphere that shows that the governor has the wisdom of a sixty-year-old and the enthusiasm of a child - an old head on a young shoulder; I can afford to act like I am young, a youth and at the same time be a governor ". The Bikers' Carnival which before today went through a series of rigorous dry runs, lived up to its billing as they pulled tons of stunts in front of the ever-cheering crowd. governor Ayade, who said he was trying to carry the youth along the way in the state of the state. ,joking about his outfits, he said: "When you see a governor on a bandana, with my bling just looking like one of you, I'm telling you that look, this one's a doctor at 23, professor at 32 and governor at a very ... and is performing; so I can be like you! "Just look at the crowd, this is record breaking. I have broken my own record. Last year, it was


FOOTBALLER GEWINNT DAS LIBERISCHE PRÄSIDENTENRENNEN. 27/12/2017  Der ehemalige FIFA-Weltbester George Weah hat die Wahlen in Liberia zum 25. Präsidenten dieses Landes gewonnen. Der Senator von Montserrado County - einst FIFA-Weltfussballer und Gewinner des begehrten Ballon d'or - schlug seinen 73-jährigen Gegner, Vizepräsident Joseph Boakai, in einem erdrutschartigen Sieg in Liberia am Mittwochmorgen. "Ich bin meiner Familie, meinen Freunden und meinen treuen Unterstützern, die während dieser extrem langen Wahlsaison zu unserer Kampagne beigetragen haben, zutiefst dankbar", sagte Weah auf Twitter, bevor die Ergebnisse bekannt gegeben wurden. George Weah soll Afrikas erster weiblicher Staatschef, Ökonom und Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Ellen Johnson Sirleaf ersetzen und sehen, wie die westafrikanische Nation, die von freigelassenen amerikanischen Sklaven gegründet wurde, die Macht von einer demokratisch gewählten Regierung an eine andere übergibt


FOOTBALLER WINS LIBERIAN PRESIDENTIAL RACE. 27/12/2017  The Former FIFA World Best George Weah has won the elections in Liberia to become that country's 25th president. the senator of Montserrado County - once named Fifa World Player and coveted Ballon d'or defeated his 73-year-old opponent Vice President Joseph Boakai in a Landslide victory in results announced in Liberia on Wednesday morning. "I deeply grateful to my family, my friends, and my loyal supporters who contributed to our campaign during this extremely long election season." George Weah is set to replace Africa's first female head of state, economist Nobel Peace Prize winner Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and the West African nation, founded by freed American slaves, hand over power democratically elected government to another .


YALA SET TO HONOR SONS AND DAUGHTERS. YALA SET TO HONOR SONS AND DAUGHTERS.Ogoja / Yala federal constituency, Hon Jarigbe Agom, Barrister Alphonsus Ogar Eba and Dr Steve Odey, CRS Director Generals of Due Process and Price Intelligence Bureau andUniversal Basic Education Commission respectively, are honored with various awards of excellence. ,So to be Honored are the Senior Special Adviser to Governor Ben Ayade on State Security, Mr Jew Ngaji, Abuja Municipal Area Council, AMAC, Supervisory Counselor on Health, Hon Gabriel Bravo Oluohu, general manager of LEADERSHIP Newspaper, Chairman's Office, Ebriku John Friday (JP) and othereminent personalities.this is a statement signed by the National President of Yala Enlightened Youths Forum Support for Good Governance, YEYFSGG, of Cross River State, Agbaka Ofana, where he said political office owners and activists have contributed immensely and credibly well to impact positivelyon the people in the area.ofana said the venue for this gran

Aisha blast Buhari over fuel scarcity,failed economy

Aisha blast Buhari over fuel scarcity, failed economy Dec 23, 2017 7:18 AM Aisha Yesufu co-convener of Bring Back Our Girls Group has blasted President Muhammadu Buhari over his ill performance as a president. aisha who made reference to Buhari's tweet in 2015 blaming former President Goodluck Jonathan for fuel crisis called him a hypocrite "Dear President Muhammadu Buhari @MBuhari it says all about your hypocritical stand. "Your tears, words, tweets were never about Nigeria but about your need to come and enjoy the perks of power. "You have failed as the Minister of Petroleum & more as the President. She tweeted the BBOG co-convener said the president has failed as a minister of petroleum for turning deaf ear to the lingering fuel crisis situation officially. According to her, President Buhari is swayed by power therefore 'paint in wisdom, integrity and values ​​despite his age.' "What type of president are you? You have not h


5 THINGS GUARDIOLA HAS DONE TO TURN MAN CITY INTO DOMINANT FORCE. Thirteen points clear atop the Premier League and on unprecedented 17-game winning run, Manchester City have produced one of the most stupendous half-seasons in English football history. Chelsea in third place and finished the campaign 15 points off the pace. Pep Guardiola has done the turn of city from So-Rans Into World-Beats. 1. Finding The Right Goalkeeper the boldest move Guardiola made his time in the Etihad Stadium - ax long-serving goalkeeper Joe Hart - proved his least successful. Hart's replacement, Chile international Claudio Bravo, proved ill-suited to the unforgiving cut and thrust of the English game and his error-strewn displays cost City multiple points. guardiola took a punt in the close season, authorizing a Brazilian goalkeeper Edersonfrom Benfica, but it has been a masterstroke. the 23-year-old is a sturdy presence between the posts and, perhaps more importantly, its superb distribution

SO KIND!!Gorvernor Fayose Releases 80% Fuel meant For Government House To Ekiti Residents .

SO KIND! Governor Fayose Releases 80% Fuel Meant For Government House To Ekiti Residents Governor Peter Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti State taking a look at his face because of his scarcity of fuel. Govt House Fuel dumped to a petrol station in Ado Ekiti to be announced soon. It wants to be sold to the public at N145 / liter. i can not keep fuel in the govt house dump while our people keep suffering. 80% of the petrol in the Govt House Fuel. N145. The maximum a single individual can buy 25 liters. This is a hardship for Nigerians to bear. Because of the wickedness of this APC govt. See his Tweets below: -  

"Poverty Led me to Sell my kidney In Malaysia'-Young Edo Man Confesses.

'Poverty Led Me To Sell My Kidney In Malaysia' - Young Edo Man Confesses A young Edo man has narrated his way to selling his kidney for N15million in Malaysia. the young man simply identified as Abu said he left the shores of Nigeria to Kuala Lumpur in 2008 in search of greener pastures. While there are some Malaysians, who sold the idea of ​​selling one of his kidneys for cash. one of Abu's associates, Sam Otarumene, who spoke with NewTelegraph said he was reassured him that he would not give the details of the "business." he was told he was nothing to lose. Within a few days, some tests were conducted on him and his organs were certified healthy, "Otarumene said. when Abu completed his test he was told Malaysian Ninggit, which would amount to N20million when completed. The agents are insisted on receiving 25 per cent of the money as a fee to cover his post-surgery recovery expenses. otarumene continued saying they all signed an agreement; himself, th

Yomi Fabiyi reunites with Oyibo wife,reverse divorce arrangement.

Yomi Fabiyi reunites with Oyibo wife, reverse divorce arrangement. 23/12/2017.nigerian actor, yomi fabiyi who is presently in the UK is reuniting with his wife today and the plan is made up as a happy couple since the actor has emphasized that no longer wants to live like a single man! recall, the actor had cried out on a social media ago about his desperation to break away from his wife, Fran who has refused to settle down with him in Nigeria. According to Yomi back then, he was tired of living a single life in Nigeria, but he said he was not sure if his wife would give him the divorce. Well, Yomi couple of hours ago hehe hee the plan to get a divorce is no longer valid as he now plans to work things out with his wife once again. "Happy 5years Wedding Anniversary to US." 5 years of our marriage, I enjoyed tremendous growth in my career and had good times, rough moments. The memory of our holiday to Republic of Benin in 2015 lingers. The cruises visited in my car and those re

Nigerian~IG Bans SARS From Conducting Stop And Search Operations December 23,2017

Nigeria ~ IG Bans SARS From Conducting Stop And Search Operations  December 23, 2017 The Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) of the Nigeria Police Force have been banned from conducting stop and search operations on roads. Mr Ibrahim Idris, who had previously promised to reform the SARS. ,naija News recalls that some group of Nigerians recently published in the social media, called for the scrapping of SARS over alleged harassment of innocent Nigerians, using the #EndSARS. following the allegation, the Inspector General of Police, Mr Ibrahim Idris, has promised to restructure and repurpose the unit for effective service delivery. idris thus warned members of the group against acting as body-guards, delving into land matters and debt collection that were considered civil. In charge of SARS in the police commands. "You must operate in official uniform clearly marked for identification. "I just want to say that I'm not in a position to do anything. "The Nigeria Police Fo


GRUMBLING TRAILS BUHARI'S EXTENSION OF SERVICE CHIEFS TENURE President Muhammadu Buhari extended the tenure of service chiefs this week - This is the extension of the powers conferred on the President and Commander of the Armed Forces - The decision has not gone down with some Nigerians Muhammadu Buhari's report to the tenure of service chiefs has not yet come to fruition. the untimely retirement of the commercial service chiefs wants to lead to delayed promotions. ,Criticism of these issues would invariably affect the multi-faceted challenges affecting the Nigerian security architecture at the moment. President Buhari's extension of service chiefs tenure causes disaffection within military circles. Source: Twitter rEAD ALSO: President Buhari is known for its uncompromising integrity - Tsav There were many people in the country who did it. beyond this, critics of the extension argue that in advanced societies, almost all the service chiefs would have without prompting resi

Barcelona am Samstag Nachmittag, 23 Dezember setzte ihre ungeschlagenen run

Barcelona am Samstag Nachmittag, 23. Dezember setzte ihre ungeschlagenen Run in dieser Saison in der spanischen La Liga nach dem Sieg über ihren bitteren Rivalen Real Madrid 3-0. Die Begegnung war der 236. El Clasico im Santiago Bernabéu gespielt, und Lionel Messi Luis Suarez und Aleix Vidal erzielte die drei Tore, die Real Madrid zu einer Niederlage vor ihren Gläubigen verurteilt. Doch wirft einen Blick auf vier wichtige Dinge, mit denen Barcelona den spanischen und europäischen Ligameister Real Madrid im El Clasico schlagen konnte. Barcelonas Verteidiger waren hervorragend gegen Real Madrid, da Spieler wie Jordi Alba, Thomas Vermaelen, Gerald Pique und Sergi Roberto am besten waren, als sie Ronaldo und Benzema die Flügel klickten

Barcelona on Saturday afternoon, December 23 continued with their unbeaten run.

Barcelona on Saturday afternoon, December 23 continued with their unbeaten run this season La Liga after beating their bitter rivals Real Madrid 3-0. The encounter was the 236th El Clasico played at the Santiago Bernabeu, and Lionel Messi Luis Suarez and Aleix Vidal scored the three goals that condemned Real Madrid to a defeat in front of their faithfuls. Barcelona beat reigning Real Madrid in the El Clasico. ,barcelona defenders were superb against Real Madrid as players like Jordi Alba, Thomas Vermaelen, Gerald Pique and Sergi Roberto were all clad in the wings of Ronaldo and Benzema .

Madman Caught With N100m Check.

Mad man Caught With N100m Check. 23/12/2017. A middle-aged man who has been pretended to be mentally ill has been apprehended in Ilorin, the Kwara State Capital. He was apprehended near the state's Ministry of Environment and Forestry along the Ahmadu Bello Way in Ilorin. sources said when he was searched, a check of N100m, pictures he was taken on top of Nigeria, four automated dish machine cards, male and female condoms, Valium injections and Infinix Hot 5 phone were found on him. the sources said the man, who was lynched by a mob, was rescued by another man dressed in a native attire. An eye-witness who pleaded anonymity, said she got caught when the fake madman. She said she witnessed how the man was searched. According to her, she ran away when it appeared. But the Kwara State Police Public Relations Officer, Mrajayi okasanmi, said he could not confirm the discovery of the fake madman, adding that it was a picture of the purported man circulating on the social media .

Masquerade killed by driver in Akwa state Nigeria.

Masquerade killed by driver in Akwa Ibom state Nigeria.  December 23, 2017  Masquerade killed by speeding hit-and-run driver in Akwa Ibom A masquerade was reportedly knocked down by a speeding car driver on the Nwaniba Road by Use Offot, Uyo, in Akwa Ibom State. When he is knocked down the masquerade to death. The identity of the masquerade is yet to be revealed .

Okorocha gives Imo workers 18 days Christmas holiday 24/12/2017

Okorocha gives Imo workers 18 days Christmas holiday 23/12/2017. Gov. Okorocha of Imo state has been proclaiming the civil servants in the state Nigeria to vacate for the Christmas holiday on Friday, December 22, 2017 and resume on Monday, January 8, 2018. Secretary to the Governor, Mr. Sam Onwuemeodo, workers on essential duties were exempted from this development. the release also says that government gives workers in the state workforce reasonable time. He said, "Government has paid salary to workers in the state to December so you can enjoy the Christmas. this is to wish you a blissful yuletide. "

My Husband can not do kerewa-woman Tells Court.23/12/2017.

My Husband can not do kerewa - Woman Tells Court. 23/12/2017. A 25-year-old housewife, Helen Bassey Umoh, has been told at Akwa Ibom State High Court in Uyo to end her nine-month-old marriage to her husband, Michael Bassey Umoh over 'Malfunctioning' of her husband's manhood. Helen, a graduate of Business Administration, told Umoh's "manhood always has inconsistent erection and that anytime the manhood becomes erect, he ejaculates within a few seconds which is not expected of a real man. " helen thus claimed in the court that took place in April. She said: "My husband can not satisfy me in the night. Anytime I deny him sex, he would pick up a fight; I am tired of the marriage. "The marriage has not produced any child and I at fed up with my husband's harshness. I urge the court to dissolve the marriage because there is no love between us. "My husband is fond of beating me unnecessarily and would curse me and lock my inside our bedroom."m

Donald Trump schwört Nigeria.127 andere Nationen über Jerusalem.

Donald Trump schwört Nigeria, 127 andere Nationen über Jerusalem. 23/12/2017Wenn Präsident Donald Trump seine Drohung, den Ländern, die am Donnerstag gegen seine Position zum Status von Jerusalem gestimmt haben, die Unterstützung abzuschneiden droht, könnte Nigeria Hunderttausende von Dollar an Hilfen aus den Vereinigten Staaten verlieren. Trump hat kürzlich Jerusalem als die Hauptstadt Israels anerkannt, eine Entscheidung, die gezogen hat internationale Verurteilungen, einschließlich von der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen, wo Nigeria und 126 andere am Donnerstag haben gegen die US-Position gestimmt. Die USA sind nach Angaben der USA der größte bilaterale Geber Nigerias, der in den letzten Jahren zwischen 600 und 700 Millionen US-Dollar jährlich zur Verfügung gestellt hat Kongress-Forschungsdienst. Einen Tag vor der Abstimmung der Generalversammlung wurde Trump von der New York Times mit der Drohung zitiert, jegliche Hilfe zu kappen Land, das gegen die Position seiner Regie


VENEZUELA'S ECONOMY SHRANK 16.5%, NIGERIA BELOW 2% IN 2016 BY Nwafor Polycarp In terms of economic recession, Venezuela has experienced better than any Nigeria experienced in 2016. Venezuelan queued to buy essentials during their recession in 2016 The Latin American country's economy shrank a massive 16.5 percent in 2016, according to an official government filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). About the same time, Nigeria's economy shrank between 1.5 to 2 per cent in figures published by the National Bureau of Statistics and the World Bank. Venezuela, at oil-rich but impoverished country attributed to the contraction of 9.9 percent in the oil sector and 16.1 percent in the non-oil economy, the same factor that caused Nigeria's recession, while it lasted. The 150-page report, received on Thursday by the SEC, reported inflation at 274.4 percent, and an unemployment rate of 7.5 percent in the calendar year ending on December 31, 2016. Venezuelan

Donald Trump vows to cripple Nigeria,127 other nations over Jerusalem.

Donald Trump vows to cripple Nigeria, 127 other nations over Jerusalem. 23/12/2017Nigerian President Donald Trump carries out his paper on the State of Jerusalem. ,trump recently recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a decision that drew international condemnations including the United Nations General Assembly Nigeria and 126 others on Thursday voted against the US position. The US is Nigeria's largest bilateral donor providing between $ 600 and $ 700 million annually in recent years, according to US Congressional Research Service. A day before the General Assembly vote, Trump has been quoted by the New York Times country that voted against the position of his government on Jerusalem. "All of these nations will take our money and then they vote against us at the Security They vote against each other, and they vote at the Assembly. Well, we're watching those votes. Let's vote against us; we'll save a lot. We do not care, "Trump threatened. in 2013, Ni

Buhari ist ein Betrüger ~Fayose 23/12/2017

Buhari ist ein Betrüger ~ Fayose 23/12/2017. Der Gouverneur von Ekiti, Herr Ayodele Fayose, hat die Bundesregierung über ihre Regierung verurteilt nonchalante Einstellung zur Beendigung der Kraftstoffknappheit im ganzen Land. er forderte den sofortigen Rücktritt von Präsident Muhammadu Buhari als Erdölminister. Der Gouverneur, der seine Position bekräftigte, dass der All Progressives Congress (APC) föderal ist Die Regierung bestrafte die Nigerianer mit Treibstoffknappheit, um den geplanten Zuwachs zu erreichen der Preis der Zapfsäule von N145 auf nicht weniger als N185 pro Liter, hinzugefügt, dass; "Schon ist Kraftstoff offiziell zwischen N180 und N200 an Tankstellen im ganzen Land verkauft werden. " in einer Pressemitteilung am Freitag erteilt, Special Assistant der Gouverneurs Fayose auf öffentliche Kommunikation und Neue Medien, Lere Olayinka, zitierte ihn mit den Worten: „Es ist traurig, dass dieser APC Regierung Buhari hatte dieses Weihnachten und Neujahr wählen Nigeria

Buhari is a deceiver ~Fayose

Buhari is a decoy ~ Fayose 23/12/2017 Ekiti State Governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose has condemned the federal government over its nonchalant attitude towards ending the fuel scarcity being experienced across the country. he called for immediate resignation of President Muhammadu Buhari as the Minister of Petroleum. The governor, who reiterated his position that the All Progressive Congress (APC) federal Government was punishing Nigerians with fuel scarcity so as to achieve its planned increment of petrol price from N145 to not less than N185 per liter, added that; "Already, fuel is being sold officially between N180 and N200 at petrol stations across the country. " In a release issued on Friday, Governor Fayose's Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, quoted him as saying that "It is sad that this Buhari's APC government has come to this Christmas and New Year scarcity that itdeliberately orchestrated. "the governor called for the

Tunisian League:Esperance Host CS Sfaxia As Sokari eye Three points As Xmas Gift.

Tunisian League: Esperance Host CS Sfaxia As Sokari eye Three Points As Xmas Gift. 23/12/2017.Super Eagles midfielder, Kingsley Sokari wants to face one of his toughest matches of the season as CS Sfaxien takes on a trip to Esperance on Saturday at the Stade Olympique de Rades. both teams want to be in the league as table topper, Esperance wants to be a winner against their title rival CS Sfaxien in a bid to extend their lead on the log. Sokari, who has always dominate play in big match. ,he wants to recall that the Nigerian International was the key architect in CS Sfaxien's 3-1 win against eternal rivals, Etoil du Sahel, where he orchestrated the midfield with great maturity; of which he has assisted the home team the third goal and hee bagged the man-of-the-match award. CS Sfaxien shock Esperance at their own Stadium on Saturday.

"An Icon of Selfless Service":Eba Celebrates Her Excellency the wife of the Executive Governor of Cross River state Nigeria,Dr.Linda Ayade

"Icon of Selfless Service": Eba Celebrates Her Excellency the wife of the Executive Governor of Cross river state, Dr. Linda Ayade December 23, 2017. Dr. Alphonsus Ogar Eba has become the congratulatory wife of the Executive Governor of Cross River State, Dr. Linda Ayade on her birthday today. According to the DG in a statement, Mrsayade is an "icon of selfless service". 23rd December is here again and there is another opportunity to celebrate an icon of selfless service, a voice for the voiceless and a humanitarian with a passion for women and the young. At this age Dr. Linda, tall as a colossus. her achievements are monumental, one of such achievement what the Rural health affirmative action for grassroots. The first lady made history and for the first time in Cross river we had a community health projects (Ayadecare). "She is a humanitarian whose life is dedicated to working for the less privileged in cross-river and especially for women and children. Her Ex

PLANTING,Cassava culture varies with the purposes for which it is grown.

Planting Cassava culture varies with the purposes for which it is grown. Cassava is either planted as a single crop or intercropped with maize, legumes, vegetables, rubber, oil palm or other plants. mixed planting reduces the risk of loss caused by unfavorable weather and pests. For agricultural purposes, cassava is propagated exclusively from cuttings. It is raised from the seeds of the parents and as many as half of the seeds may fail to germinate. ,on the other hand, cuttings on the other hand. FIGURE 2. Manihot utilissima Pohl. FIGURE 4. Cross section of cassava root. Drawing by R. Soemarsono Slate Botanical Gardens. Bogor. indonesia. Cuttings are obtained from the stems of plants at least ten months old and 2.53.5 cm thick. After harvesting, these stems are stored in a dry place until the next planting (Figure 5). cuttings about 25 cm long have been discarded. Cuttings from the upper part of the stem wants to grow faster, but their final yield is less. The best practice is t


DANGOTE REJECTS BUA CLAIMS OVER MINING LEASE The management of Dangote Industries Limited has again rejected BUA Group's claim to be the rightful owner of Mining Lease No 2541. dangote, in a statement, said that it has become a responsible corporate citizen and that it remains a responsible corporate citizen. faulting BUA's claim that the Dangote Group is willing to deliberately, deliberately and deliberately conceal the fact that it has at least 12 Mining / Quarry Leases within and around the area in question as opposed to this soleMining Lease No 2541 owned by the Dangote added: "First and foremost, there is no status quo or made by any court that allows." BUA to continue mining over the disputed mining lease area. In fact, there is no status quo order at all27 April 2016 seeking to restrain the BUA Group from its illegal mining activities on the Mining Lease Area. In a nutshell, the BUA Group has in utter disdain to the court continued with its.illegal mi


BREAKING NEWS: FG DECLARES THREE DAYS AS PUBLIC HOLIDAY. Federal Government of Nigeria declares December 25 and 26, 2017 and January 1, 2018 as public holidays for Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year celebrations. Minister of Interior, Lt. general (Rtd) Abdulralman Dambazau who made the declaration on behalf of the Federal Government, enjoined the Christian faithful and all Nigerians to use the period in praying earnestly for the betterment and development of Nigeria. Abubakar Magaji, the Minister of State, Ministry of Interior, Nigeria. ,Dambazau further urged all Nigerians, both at home and abroad, to support the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari in his determination to improve the quality of life of Nigerians. He wished Nigerians a Happy Christmas and New Year celebrations .


TWITTER BEGINS ENFORCING STRICTER RULES ON ABUSIVE CONTENT. The new rules announced in November on hateful and abusive content and behavior went into effect on Monday, Twitter said in a press release. "Today, we want to start enforcing updates to the Twitter Rules," the social media said on Monday. ,the company said the new rules will require any association with those who promote violence against civilians either on or off the social media platform to remove all those glorify violent acts. the company said anyone who refuses to comply will be suspended from Twitter. It will hateful content or abuses in a username, display or profile bio will be permanently suspended. hateful imagery, including logos or symbols that promote "hostility and malice" is now considered sensitive material under the company's media policy, Twitter added .

EFCC releases Innoson,accuses him of fraud December 21,2017

EFCC releases Innoson, accuses him of fraud  December 21, 2017The Senate Committee on Financial Crime and Anti-Corruption, on Wednesday, quoted the Acting Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crime Commission, Ibrahim Magu, over the arrest of the Chairman / Managing Director of Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing, Chief Innocent Chukwuma. magu, who appeared before the committee to defend the EFCC's proposed budget for 2018, which is questioned behind closed doors for about 30 minutes. Stepping out of the venue, the EFCC's Chukwuma was arrested by the anti-graft agency. he, however, declined to make further comments, promising that the commission would release a statement on the matter soon. The EFCC later released Chukwuma on bail but accused him and his brother, Charles, of alleged involvement in a N 1. 4bn fraud. earlier on Wednesday, members of the Senate took turns to criticize the EFCC for the Manifestation on Tuesday in Enugu. The lawmakers accused EFCC of highhandedness and

jail is available~FRSC 21/12/2017.

Jail is available ~ FRSC. 21/12/2019. The Federal Road Safety Corps has warned motorists against flouting traffic laws, warning that violators will spend the Christmas holiday in Jail. The Corps Marshal, Dr. boboye oyeyemi, who said he caught the warning on Wednesday in Abuja, said that he was caught beating the traffic light, making phone calls while driving or not wearing his belt. During the unveiling of additional eight patrol vans for the 'Operation Cobra' unit in the Federal Capital Territory, the FRSC boss has disclosed that 8,330 drivers have been arrested for various traffic violations in the last six months. he said about 4, 439 people were referred for psychological test. ,oyeyemi explained that the suspended drivers were undergoing therapy, noting that this is the standard practice all over the world. He said the agency would not pardon anyone caught flouting traffic laws, adding that the corps would be very strict with taxi drivers from next year. "Offenders

ASUU to set panel of inquiry about LASU crisis

ASUU to set panel of inquiry about LASU crisis  December 21, 2017. The Academic Staff Union of Universities, Lagos zone, has demanded that a panel of inquiry be set up to investigate the crisis at Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos. the crisis reportedly heightened after the sacking of seven lecturers of the institution. Addressing journalists on Wednesday at the ASUU office at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, the Lagos Zonal Coordinator, Prof.olusiji Sowande, also called the Kogi State Government to reverse the sacking of over 150 lecturers of the Kogi State University, Ayingba. Sowande said the zone was mandated by the National Body of the Union at LASU and KSU and give recommendations. the zonal coordinator was run by other ASUU executives, Prof. Deji Agboola of the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye; Dr. John Fayemi of the Tai Solar University of Education, Ijagun; and Dr. Dele Ashiru of the University of Lagos. So, Dr. present. akinloye Oyewumi of Lagos Stat