PLANTING,Cassava culture varies with the purposes for which it is grown.

Planting Cassava culture varies with the purposes for which it is grown. Cassava is either planted as a single crop or intercropped with maize, legumes, vegetables, rubber, oil palm or other plants. mixed planting reduces the risk of loss caused by unfavorable weather and pests. For agricultural purposes, cassava is propagated exclusively from cuttings. It is raised from the seeds of the parents and as many as half of the seeds may fail to germinate. ,on the other hand, cuttings on the other hand. FIGURE 2. Manihot utilissima Pohl. FIGURE 4. Cross section of cassava root. Drawing by R. Soemarsono Slate Botanical Gardens. Bogor. indonesia. Cuttings are obtained from the stems of plants at least ten months old and 2.53.5 cm thick. After harvesting, these stems are stored in a dry place until the next planting (Figure 5). cuttings about 25 cm long have been discarded. Cuttings from the upper part of the stem wants to grow faster, but their final yield is less. The best practice is to have a bundle of stalks supported by a girder and then to point the cuttings obtained at the lower end (Figure 6), taking care not to bruise the buds or otherwise damage the stem. Experiments in the Philippines on the Relationship between the Cuttings and the Cuttings 75 cm or more. other experiments concluded that older wood from the basal areas to the midpoint of the stems outyielded apical propagating material. Key to Figure 4: Left upper quadrant. after staining with iodine: 1. Peel 1a. Outer cork layer 1b. Inner layer 2. Cambium 3rd Center 4. Pith and primary xylem (Both peel and pith contain comparatively little starch.) Right upper quadrant, showing structural elements of the root: 5. Cork 6. Sclerenchymatous fibers 7. Latex vessels 8. Cambium 9. Xylem vessels Inset A - Enlarged cross section of peel: 10. Cork tissue 11. Sclerenchymatous fibers 12.starch (small grains) 13. Parenchyma cell Inset B - Enlarged cross section of center: 14. Cell wall (larger cells than in peel) 15. Starch (big grains) Cuttings are planted by hand or by planting machines. vertical planting is done in one of three ways: vertical, flat below the soil surface or tilted 45 "from ground level. planted cuttings may redin general, flat planting 5-10 cm below the soil surface is recommended in dry climates and when mechanical planting is used. germination seems to be higher; Making better use of fertilizers applied on the surface and thus making harvesting easier. on the other hand vertical planting is used in rainy areas and tilted planting in semi-rainy areas. The cuttings are planted on flat soil or on ridges or hills. Some experiments have come to a close rather than flat cultivation; but the work of weeding and harvesting is greatly reduced by ridge planting. As machine planting would be impossible with furrows or ridges, flat fields are the most desirable. spacing between rows is about 80100 cm, and the plants are spaced along the rows according to local conditions. The number of plants per hectare varies in different regions between 10000 and 15000. FIGURE 6. Scheme of cassava stalk for planting time of planting is affected by weather conditions and the availability of planting material. Cassava is usually planted at the beginning of the rainy season. more orally, planting is sometimes divided between two rainy seasons. It is usually carried out throughout the year in regions with year-round rainfall. if the stalks are saved for a long time after harvest, they are not apt to root and grow well. It is desirable to plant and harvest at the same time. The development of the cassava plant is most profitable when planting takes place at the beginning of a humid period (i.e., tropical regions at the beginning of the monsoon). CULTIVATION cassava is cultivated as a temporary shade plant in young plants of cocoa, coffee, rubber or oil palm. In Thailand, however, it is grown mostly as a sole crop and may grow on the same land. if the price of cassava roots drops, the farmer may shift to another crop (e.g., sugarcane, maize or sorghum) until cassav


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